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Country Phoenician Grinder

When it comes to quality tools, we don't mess around. That's why we were stoked to partner with the innovative team at Phoenician to provide you a tough, reliable, American-made threadless cannabis grinder - the most well engineered on the market.

More about this limited edition Phoenician Grinder.

  • Innovative Quick Lock Design Makes Using A Grinder Easy. Never Struggle With Cross-Threading Again. The Harder You Twist, The Tighter It Locks.
  • Preserve The Flavor & Effects Of Your Favorite Herbs With Our Diametrically Cut Razor Sharp Teeth That Sheer, Rather Than Shred Your Herb.
  • Finished Off To Perfection With Extra Strong Rare Earth Magnets , A Replaceable Screen & A Beveled Bottom Chamber.
  • Intelligently Designed & Precision Manufactured In The USA With Medical-Grade Materials.
